POP-POT is a new concept of creative and sustainable catering in Brussels, initiated by three passionate about food culture, Alessandra, Giampietro, and Pauline. Alessandra, committed to sustainable food, creates menus, and discovers new recipes to combine pleasure and well-being. Pauline, the architect, looks for unusual venues to host your private or business events and imagines with you the setting and the planning of the event. Giampietro, working in the Horeca sector for a long time, will take care of meeting your requests and expectations to offer a unique tailor-made experience.

POP-POT is all about merging Mediterranean cuisine inspired by our traditions and our travels. Our cuisine is homemade, healthy, and sustainable, not least because we choose local and seasonal products. Our colorful recipes always find a good balance between flavors.

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Catering type




Activiteiten Pop-pot

Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Belgium
Catering en traiteur
catering | duurzaam | circulaire economie | gezond | seizoensproducten | speciaal dieet | mediteraanse keuken | locale producten | kleurijke recepten | homemade